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Remember that Savory Seitan recipe? Here’s one of my faaavorite ways to eat it – on a Reuben.

reuben vegan thousand island dressing rye bread sauerkraut cheese plant based easy vegan delicious fast quick tasty

Do ya’ll know how hard it is to get a good picture of this sandwich…pft. But, here she is in all of her glory, our Reuben sandwich on a sprouted rye bread, Daiya mozzarella cheese, savory seitan, thousand island dressing, and Bubbies sauerkraut. Bubbies kraut is found in the refrigerated section of the store because there are actually live bacteria in it. Wanna learn more about how bacteria and enzymes help your health?

The brand of sprouted rye bread we get is called Ezekiel, which is also found in a refrigerated section. We eat it on sprouted rye because it’s easier for you to digest, as well as having many other amazing lignin in the ingredients that help keep blood glucose levels low, which is great for recovering pre-diabetics or type 2 diabetics.

What is lignin?

Lignin are found in plants. It’s part of what makes up the structure of the plant. The more common name we refer to on the daily is fiber. Foods high in fiber, eaten in moderation, are fantastic for our health. They help eliminate excess waste trapped in our 25 feet of intestine. It helps to remove the layer of food that coats our intestinal lining, which sometimes prevents nutrient absorption.

Reuben Ingredients:

Makes 2 sandwiches


4 slices Ezekiel sprouted rye bread

Coconut oil – for toasting the bread

1/2 cup Daiya mozzarella cheese

6 oz Seitan, thinly sliced

1/2 cup Bubbies sauerkraut

Thousand Island Dressing


Heat a large skillet to medium heat. Spread a bit of coconut oil on one side of 2 slices of rye bread and lay oiled-side down on the skillet.

On one of the pieces of toast, sprinkle 1/4 cup Daiya mozzarella cheese and cover skillet with a lid. Cook for about 3 minutes or until the bottom side of the bread is toasty enough for you.

In another skillet, add a bit of water to the bottom and turn to medium-low heat. Add all of the seitan and stir occasionally, to not let the seitan stick. Add more water as needed.

When the cheese has melted on the toast, take both pieces of toast out of the skillet and place on a cutting board. Add 1/2 of the seitan to one side, 1/4 cup sauerkraut, and top with thousand island dressing. Cover with the other piece of toast and slice in half.