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Easy Cheesy Shells

More comfort food! But really though, this is the cheesiest, creamiest, most delightful dish. 

I’ve never met someone who has gone vegan that doesn’t miss mac & cheese. This recipe for Easy Cheesy Shells is the best because the shells hold more of the cheese than elbow noodles, and you can make the sauce as thin or thick as you desire!

Let me know what your favorite comfort food is!

pasta vegan cheese creamy delicious easy cheesy shells
Easy Cheesy Shells
Makes about 4 servings
Total time to make: 20-25 minutes

Step One;

1 package of rice shell noodles (I use Tinkyada brand)

Fill a large pot with 8 cups of water and place it over high heat. Once the water is boiling, add noodles and cook to the package’s instructions.

Step Two:

1 cup cashew splits preferably, but blanched almonds work well too. Soak the almonds overnight for a creamier consistency. Or if using slivered almonds, soak for a couple hours. 

4 cups water

2 teaspoons salt

3 teaspoons garlic powder

3 teaspoons onion powder

¼ cup nutritional yeast

2 tablespoons arrowroot powder

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

Place all ingredients for step two in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. 

Step Three:

After noodles are done cooking, drain and add the noodles and cream sauce to a large pot.

Add in 2 teaspoons fresh ground black pepper (optional, but recommended)

The leftover heat from the noodles will cook and thicken the sauce. Eat when the desired consistency is reached. If the consistency doesn’t thicken as much as you would like, turn the heat on to medium-low and continue to cook until you’re satisfied.

Keep covered as it will dry out very quickly.

Side note: To make it extra cheesy, a sharper cheese taste as well as giving your body some more probiotics for digestion, add in some of your homemade cheese! Recipe found here!